Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Love and Blessings

Love you, love you, love you. 

Love is one of my favourite words, expressions and emotions. Love hearts are one of my favourite shape and just about any item I see in this shape I am automatically drawn to. 

Today I'd be honored and delighted to share with you my love, from my heart and soul offering you a blessing with my soul song. Soul song is the song of ones's soul, it is connected to the Divine and the soul world. It carries Divine frequencies and vibrations including Divine love, forgiveness, compassion and light. It has the ability to heal, to bless and transform different aspects of life and much, much more. 

Please relax and experience a soul song blessing for yourself. Close your eyes and make a request for a healing blessing for one aspect of your life.

I am so happy to be able to serve you in this way, I look forward to sharing more soul songs with you in my blog. 

Please share your insight, experiences, images and messages you may have received whilst listening to this soul song blessing, I would be delighted to read them. 

Love you, love you, love you 

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Messages for Daily Life

Have you ever received a message or experienced something in your life that you thought was more than a coincidence? It may even be from a series of events. I am constantly delighted and surprised in how messages, and wisdom from our own soul, from the Divine, our spiritual mothers and fathers can come to us in the simplest of forms. Sometimes it may be in a word you come across, a quote, or through a conversation with a loved one or a friend. Sometimes a message for us may come from a stranger, an act of kindness or it could be as simple as a word in a magazine or on a chocolate bar!

The more I open my spiritual channels the more messages I receive and have been open to receiving and what they mean (by interpreting the message). The more you purify and open your spiritual channels the deeper the connection, messages and wisdom you can receive from your soul, your heaven's teams, the Divine and any spiritual mother and father. These messages can assist your life, whether it be for a health condition or issue, relationships, your career, business, finances and more. You can ask your soul for direction in your life, why you may have a blockage in a certain area, what is the best direction to go in, and even what would bring your soul more joy and happiness. You can ask the Divine for help, for blessings and for greater understanding.
How can we do this? How can we receive these messages? We do so by connecting with the soul. The more we practice our soul communication the greater our ability to receive messages and accuracy of these messages. It is important to open and purify our Message Centre to receive the messages from the soul world, as our Message Centre is the centre for soul communication. Join me in watching this short video by Master Sha to help to open our Message Centre's before we do the practice. 

Relax, close your eyes and open your heart and chant along with Master Sha with this mantra to open your Message Center, or open it further. I encourage you not to skip over this as it is an important part of receiving pure and accurate messages from the soul world. We can always open our Message Center further. 

 The more you listen and chant along to this mantra the more your Message Center could open further. 

Now let us do a practice to communicate with the Divine or a spiritual mother or father in Heaven. Pick one you resonate with, it could be Jesus, Mother Mary, Guan Yin, Buddha, or another saint or even your own soul. This can be a wonderful way to start your day, receiving messages to assist your daily life. Keeping a journal to record the messages, wisdom and insight is a great idea, for now you can use a piece of paper and a pen to record your message. 

Body Power: We will sit up straight and put our hands in the Soul Light Era Prayer position; left hand in front of our Message Centre (where the sternum is in the middle of the chest, placing the hand horizontally), and our right hand in front but not touching in traditional prayer position. The Soul Light Era Prayer position helps us to connect our soul to the Divine and the soul world. 
Soul Power: read silently
 Dear Soul of .....[insert saint] Guan Yin, 
I love you, honor you and appreciate you,
Do you have a message for me today? What would you like to share with me? 
Please can you deliver the message to my Message Center, and allow it to flow through my pen to the paper,
I am so grateful to receive your wisdom and guidance. 
Thank you. 

Continue to keep your hands in the Soul Light Era Prayer position and for 2-5 minutes chant the mantra San San Jui Liu Ba Yao Wu (Chinese for the sacred healing Mantra 3396815). Master Sha shares in the book Soul Communication that this mantra 'is a divine code to assist in opening the communication channels for humanity, and is a key for all forms of soul communication. San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu connects with messages in the Soul World'
Sound power: 
San San Jui Liu Ba Yao Wu (pronounced sahn sahn joe lew bah yow woo)
San San Jui Liu Ba Yao Wu
San San Jui Liu Ba Yao Wu
San San Jui Liu Ba Yao Wu
San San Jui Liu Ba Yao Wu
continue for 2-5 minutes

Hao, hao, hao. Now begin to write the message down, allow your fingers or the pen to write, try to not let your mind interfere. 
When you have written your message finish by saying thank you, thank you, thank you

You may receive a word, a sentence or even a paragraph. You may find you didn't receive even a word, and that is also perfect. Sometimes we receive messages through other spiritual channels and ways; you may have received an image, or maybe you heard a word or a message write these down. If it is an image, ask then the same saint what this image represents or means. Sometimes you may just receive a feeling, all of these are messages, and every single one is perfect, as it is for you. The messages you receive will be filled with light, love and kind words. 

The more you practice opening your Message Centre, and connecting to receive guidance the more messages you will be able to receive and the greater your accuracy will become. Using the book Soul Communication by Master Sha, there are many practices on how to open and develop your spiritual channels, and several divine downloads to assist you in opening your spiritual channels more deeply and you can also visit www.drsha.com to see local or global events for opening spiritual channel workshops. 

Please share your experiences of this practice and any messages you received I'd love to hear them. You can also use this outline and change the wording for specific issues or questions for your daily life. 

Monday, 4 August 2014

Communicating and offering service to Mother Nature- The Yarra River

Last week was a powerful and profound evening at my weekly Master Sha's Soul Healing Group in Balwyn (in Australia). I'd like to share a story with you all which came from a practice we did focusing on offering service, healing blessings to a polluted part of nature through chanting our Soul Language and Soul Song which came from a chapter in Master Sha's book Soul WisdomThe soul of the Yarra River quickly popped into my awareness, wanting to be served. As a group we did the practice, chanting our soul song and soul language for approximately 10-15mintues offering the soul of the Yarra River our greatest love, compassion, forgiveness and more.

The practice was very powerful and profound for me. During the beginning I could only see the Yarra River of how it looked and its soul which was a dark brown colour and not looking particularly happy. As the practice went on and deepened I could picture its beauty and the love it had and the desire to serve us and all souls. I was reminded of how this beautiful river has been offering unconditional service not only to us, but to those who lived here a hundred, two hundred years ago, to many of thousands of years and been a main source for life, for people, animals and surrounding nature. This brought a deeper love and appreciation of the river and to all of nature and how it is always serving us. It also gave me greater awareness where I might have not have always been so loving towards the Yarra River in my life, and offered it my forgiveness. During the end of the practice I could feel the soul of the Yarra River being much happier and deeply grateful for the love and service that we had offered her, and how this is isnt something she often receives at this time. I also began to see the beauty of the River, as it is actually quite beautiful in some parts and where I had spent many years passing due to my schools location to the river.

We connected to the soul of the Yarra River asked her what she'd like to share with us via a flow using soul communication. The love and gratitude the Yarra River expressed touched my heart, the love mother earth and nature has for us and the unconditional universal service they offer us is something we often forget. Or we night don't even know or appreciate at times how deep it is or could be. Whilst I was listening to the flow I received a message about how much the river had served me during a time in my early youth when I was very sad, lonely and depressed, and how it had helped me by offering its unconditional love and a state of peace and calmness during that time. I was always drawn to join the rowing team but had to wait to a certain year level, it was when I began rowing and during that time that I was my happiest. This awareness brought me to tears and more afterwards when I was sharing this to the group, I was truly touched by how much love and how much the Yarra River has served me during my life.

Master Sha shares that 'You can offer blessings for those areas suffering from political or religious conflict or a natural disaster...You can offer healing blessings to the many areas of Mother Earth damaged by human beings. For example, there are many areas where pollution is so extreme that the water is undrinkable without extensive purification processes. Offering healing blessings to the water would be a great act of service' (Soul Wisdom, p93). 

So how can we do this? How can we offer service to Mother Nature? Using the power of soul healing we can offer healing blessings where ever we are regardless of time, or space. We can be chanting for a specific place that needs healing like the Amazon Rainforests, the Great Barrier Reef, the Antarctic and much more whenever and where ever we are.

Let us do the practice now that is in the Soul Wisdom book on page 94, we will connect to the soul of the Ganges River. This practice as you might have read in my sharing focuses on offering a healing blessing through using Soul Language. If you do not have your soul language opened at this time that is perfectly fine, we will look and learn more about this as time goes on (you can also learn by reading the Soul Wisdom book). Instead we will chant the Divine Soul Song Love Peace and Harmony which carries divine frequencies and vibrations of Divine love, Divine forgiveness, Divine compassion and Divine light.

Body Power: Sit up straight but comfortably, about two thirds from the back of your chair, feet flat on the floor, or in half lotus or full lotus position if sitting on the floor. We will put our hands in the Soul Light Era hand position as we do with ever practice, which is left hand over our message center (where our breastbone is, the center of our chest) put not touching and our right hand pointing towards heaven (or the sky). As this helps us connect to the soul world.

Soul Power: Dear Soul, mind and body of the Ganges River, I love you,
You have the power to heal yourself.
Dear Divine Soul Song of Love Peace and Harmony
*if you've opened your soul song channel, Dear Golden Light Ball and Golden Liquid Spring of Divine Soul Language and dear my Soul language,
I love you, honour you and appreciate you,
Please offer a healing blessing to the Ganges River as appropriate at this time.
I am very grateful.
Thank you.

Mind Power: We will visualise golden or rainbow light radiating and vibrating in your lower abdomen (just below your navel), and rotating anti-clockwise.

Sound Power: Chant the mantra Love Peace and Harmony, you can follow by chanting with the clip below

I love my heart and soul,
I love all humanity,
Join hearts and souls together,
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Love, Peace and Harmony

For a print out for Love, Peace and Harmony lyrics click here https://lovepeaceharmonymovement.drsha.com/resources where you can download a multilingual copy for yourself and to share with friends, and also download the song for free.

Now let us close our eyes and do this practice for 5-10 minutes.

We close the practice by saying 'hao, hao, hao, thank you, thank you, thank you, gong song, gong song, gong song'. Hao is Chinese for 'get well' or 'perfect', and gong song means respectfully return (which is for any of the souls we've asked to join us for the practice).

Please share your experiences from the practice, if you enjoyed doing this practice I invite you to continue to offer service to the Ganges River, I also encourage you to pick a part of nature whether it be a water entity, forest, and so forth that resonates with you and to try this practice for 5-10 minutes every day for a few days to a week and right down your experiences and what you notice after this time when you do this practice. You may be surprised of the messages and insight you receive.

I look forward to hearing your sharing. Sending you all my love.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Unconditional Love, the Greatest Love

This picture I share with you is one I created recently for someone very special to me, and inspired this post  and sharing with you on the power and significance of unconditional love. Master Sha teaches that Dai Ai means the Greatest Love, unconditional love. This isn't human love. Human love has conditions, limitations, and often attachments. Our love at times is not sure pure, or purely intended, it can be misguided, misdirected and misinterpreted. Unconditional love, the greatest love isn't restricted by limitations, expectations, negative attachments, attitudes, or beliefs. I've become more and more aware about this throughout my time of being a student of  Master Sha's.

Master Sha has Da Ai, he has the greatest love, unconditional love for you, for me. For humanity, for Mother Earth, for all holy saints in Heaven, and all souls in all planets, stars, galaxies and universes.He has dedicated his life to service which reflects this love. His total life mission is;
'to transform the soul, heart, mind and body of humanity and all souls in Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, and enlighten them or enlighten them further, in order to create the Love Peace Harmony Universal Family...the ultimate goal of the Universal Family is to reach wan ling rong he, which is universal Oneness' (Soul Healing Miracle Book, pxiii).

His love is so evident in his teachings, in his voice and in his acts no matter who you are, where you are from and if you are a student of his or not, Master Sha loves you. Master Sha loves you unconditionally. From my first contact with Master Sha and his teachings through reading his book Soul Wisdom I felt his love, his care and his appreciation for everyone, especially at that moment for me. Although I had a loving family and friends this was the first time I felt unconditional love, and it was so heart touching to feel the purity of it, and also for Master Sha to reconnect me to the Divine's unconditional love. I will be forever grateful for this, and in moments in my life since then where I have experienced hardship, felt deep loneliness, depressed and so forth I then knew I had unconditional love from the Divine, and from Master Sha at all times. This supported and helped me through these deeply testing times when sometimes you cannot see past your own current situation or test. 

The Divine's love, God's love is also very special. Everything in life is a gift from the Divine, the Tao, and the Source (which are all different layers of God) , of Heaven. Our heaven's team and our shi fu's (spiritual mothers and fathers) and guides are always loving us, blessing us and helping us on our spiritual  (and physical) journeys whether we are conscious of this or not. The love we receive from all of these beautiful souls in Heaven is the greatest love. They are always supporting us, always loving us no matter what we are doing or going through, and forgiving us when we make mistakes and even in the times don't act in love, peace and harmony to ourselves or others.

How can we do this? There are many ways and practices Master Sha has taught, and today I'd like to share a practice to help us to develop unconditional love for all souls out of Master Sha's latest book Soul Healing Miracles on page 212 & 214 with slight changes. If you have a copy of this beautiful book I suggest you use it with the practice to make it even more powerful. If you do not and would like a copy of the book please contact me. We will be chanting 'Da Ai' which is the greatest love, using the Da Ai Ling Guang Calligraphy in the book, which contains countless saints, saint animals, soul healing treasures and more to serve you and bless your life. We will combine this practice with the forgiveness practice as forgiveness is the mirror of love....to love unconditionally you have to forgive unconditionally (please refer to post 'Forgiving is easy as loving'  for more teachings on forgiveness).

For the practice we will follow the 4 power techniques (used for every practice).

Body Power: Sit up straight, with your back not resting on the back of the chair, place your hands on either your lower abdomen (just below your navel) during the practice, or one hand on your heart and the other on your lower abdomen. If you have a copy of the Soul Healing Miracle Book turn the picture of Da Ai in figure 18 of the Tao Ling Guang Calligraphies and rest opened up on your lower abdomen.

Soul Power: Say Hello

Dear Divine, Dear Tao, The Source,
Dear the Source Ling guang (pronunced gwang) Calligraphy Da Ai,
Your unconditional love and greatest love can melt all blockages and transform all life,
I need Da Ai to open my heart and soul.
Please remove soul mind body blockages preventing me from loving unconditionally.
I am extremely honored and blessed.
Dear all saints, Heaven's saints' animals, and treasures within this calligraphy,
I love you, honor you and appreciate you.
Please open my heart to be able to give unconditional love.
I am so grateful.
Thank you.

-include forgiveness practice-
Dear Divine, Dear Tao, The Source,
Dear all of the saints, Heaven's saints' animals, and Heaven's treasures within The Source Ling Guang Calligraphy Da Ai,
I am extremely honored to receive your blessing to open my heart and soul to receive love and express love unconditionally.
Please forgive my ancestors and me for all of the mistakes that we have made in all lifetimes.
Dear all of the people and all the souls that my ancestors and I have harmed, hurt and taken advantage of in all lifetimes,
I deeply apoligize for all of our mistakes.
Please forgive me.
I will serve others unconditionally to make others happier and healthier.
Thank you thank you thank you.

Mind Power
Visualize your heart shining Da Ai, which is greatest love. Visualise red light or golden light from the calligraphy in your heart, opening your heart and soul.

Soul Power
Chant; Da Ai, Da Ai, opens my heart and soul. Thank you.
or Da Ai allows me to receive love and offer love unconditionally. Thank you.

Close the practice by saying 'Hao, hao, hao, thank you, thank you, thank you, gong song, gong song, gong song' (respectfully return to all the souls we invited to join in the practice with us).

Do this practice now for 3-5minutes, if you truly want to open your heart further and develop unconditional love do it for longer. Incorporate this into your daily life, for a relationship/s, situation, and  to develop unconditional love for all souls. Unconditional love contains a beautiful quality of innocence and purity.Unconditional love is unconditional appreciation and gratitude for heaven, for God and for everything.

Please share your experiences with me and insight or stories of this topic I would be delighted to read them.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Qualities of Inner Beauty

I'm very excited to share this picture with you which is the new background for my blog which includes all the qualities for Inner Beauty that Master Sha lists in his latest book Soul Healing Miracles. Master Sha lists the qualities of Inner Beauty which includes inner beauty of the soul, mind and body (which you can find on page 163).

Inner Beauty of the Soul 
  • love
  • forgiveness
  • compassion
  • light
  • kindness
  • generosity
  • sincerity 
  • honesty
  • integrity
  • humility
  • purity
  • grace
  • selflessness
  • virtue
  • total GOLD (to the Divine, Tao, and The Source)
  • and much more

Inner Beauty of the Mind
  • peace
  • calmness
  • gratitude
  • joy
  • bliss
  • acceptance
  • selflessness
  • positivity 
  • harmony
  • clarity
  • purity 
  • confidence 
  • flexibility 
  • creativity 
  • inspiration
  • non-attachment
  • and more

Inner Beauty of the Body
  • health 
  • energy
  • strength 
  • flexibility 
  • flow
  • balance
  • purity
  • harmony
  • freedom
  • attunement
  • and more

This list is so beautiful and has more qualities than I could have ever imagined, is there some qualities you may have overlooked in your life that make up inner beauty?

 I look forward to sharing more about each of these qualities and why the are important to develop and implement in our lives and simple practices that can transform all aspects of our lives including our health, relationships, finances, intelligence, true love, intelligence and more.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Being in Master Sha's Presence

Dear beloved ones,

 I have been so blessed to have spent two wonderful weeks with Master Sha here in Australia and to share my experience of the recent events in both Sydney & Melbourne, it was the most amazing time! We were so incredibly blessed by his presence, his unconditional love, compassion and service to us, to Australia and of course to all souls which radiates out of every part of his heart and soul. The light and blessings were beyond this world, the universe, the transformation that I and all participants received whether it was all five events, two events or even just a free Soul Healing Miracles Evening was beyond generous of Master Sha and of heaven that even at times I felt like I had to pinch myself to see if what was happening was real or a beautiful dream I was in. Each event with Master Sha was completely different and completely beautiful, nothing was the same yet each event was tailor made for all who attended and we all received exactly what our hearts and souls so deeply desired. I feel blessed to have spent the time with not only with my most beloved spiritual father and teacher, but several beautiful Divine Channels (of Master Sha); Master Robyn, Master Trevor, Master Cynthia and Master Sande, all of whom shared incredible teachings, powerful practices, blessings, service, support and more, and my treasured Australian soul family who were there to share this sacred time together and to grow, learn and serve together as one to become a greater and better Bao Yuan Sho Yi team, and Love peace and harmony world family.

It touched my heart to see my beloved friends as well as new students meet Master Sha for the first time, to hear their experiences and gratitude of the opportunity to be in Master Sha's presence here in Australia and to see the love and gratitude in their hearts and seeing some being moved to tears by this. This brought much love and joy to my own heart and soul as it echo's some sentiments and feelings of mine about Master Sha and my love for him. Its taken me some time post retreats to write about my experience from Master Sha's visit as like many friends I've spoken to since then it feels like so much of ourselves, perceptions, hearts, minds have been transformed, that it is really quite amazing and the effects will continue to reveal itself over time.

I know my soul is forever happy and grateful for this time, for my soul journey to be blessed so profoundly and for the present and future to look so beautiful, it is because of Master Sha and what he has given to me and blessed me and my life, my soul with. With what he has taught me and continues to teach me and share the most sacred and profound wisdom and teachings from heaven, from the Divine, the Tao, the Source, and how blessed my life is and has been since I met Master Sha and everyday since then. thank you thank you thank you cbd cbd cbd

Please share your experiences of the recent events, or your experiences of attending a workshop with Master Sha, I'd love to hear it <3

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

My teacher, Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha

I'm very grateful today and everyday for what Master Sha has brought into my life, it has transformed in so many ways that to think of my life before meeting Master Sha is very interesting and so different. I was introduced to Master Sha's teachings more than five and a half years ago and met him nearly five years ago. Since then have been blessed to attend several workshops and retreats with him in Melbourne Australia and overseas in the U.S and in Canada all which have been amazing and life changing in their own right. I am so excited and grateful that Master Sha is coming to Australia next month in early July to be with all of his Australian students in Sydney and in Melbourne.
 It has been four years since his last visit and there are many dedicated students since then who have been dreaming of meeting Master Sha in person over the past few years and it is exciting that now this is coming true for them. Over the past couple of months there has been many students handing out Master Sha's latest book Soul Healing Miracles to help promote Master Sha's upcoming events and allow them to experience and create Soul Healing Miracles in their own lives. It brings me much joy to see peoples gratitude at receiving these beautiful books which are amazing healing tool and treasures themselves and without knowing about Master Sha previously are excited to come to his upcoming events. There has been some heart touching stories by other students, and the overwhelming positive responses by people who have been gifted the books especially over the weekend at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Melbourne, and the Wantirna Sunday Market I was at to gift books with other students. 

I thought today I'd share this video with you to introduce you to Master Sha and his background, his love, service and compassion for all souls truly touches my heart and fills it with such gratitude and love when I listen to him speak and share his light with all souls of humanity, mother earth and all planets, stars, galaxies and universes. 

Watch this video and let me know how you enjoyed it. 
Have you met Master Sha in person yet? Are you coming to his events in Melbourne or Sydney? There are two free Soul Healing Miracles Evening Events one in each cities so you and your loved ones can meet Master Sha and experience Soul Healing Miracles in person with seats that are filling up fast see https://www.facebook.com/PowerofSoulInstituteAustralia for more event and the latest details

Love Lily

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Mother's Love

In Australia we celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday, and it started to make me think more deeply about mothers, what they bring to us and what they mean in the physical sense and in the spiritual capacity. I love my physical mother very much, she has been one of my greatest teachers in many ways, helping me to grow and transform to become a better person and servant. My love and appreciation for her grows too, and since being introduced to Master Sha’s teachings our relationship has become much more loving, compassionate and forgiving, which I am eternally grateful to Master Sha, the Divine and to all the heavenly beings for. 

I have been thinking a lot about having a mother, and not only in this lifetime but the mothers I would have had in all of my lifetimes and how many that could end up being. I also began to think about how many lifetimes I myself may have been a mother and how I may have served in that role. 
Not only do we have mothers in the physical sense but, we also have spiritual mothers. Many people around the world have deep love and affiliations with female saints and holy beings such as Mother Mary and Guan Yin which traditionally stem from their backgrounds and cultures. I have had a deep love for Guan Yin from a young age, as growing up we had a statue or two of her in our house (despite my family not coming from a Buddhist background). What she represented, that being of pure compassion (as she is known for in Buddhist traditions) and unconditional service to all who ask for her help, to me she is this and much more. There are countless spiritual mothers in Heaven, and on Mother Earth who are offering their unconditional service and love to us, continuing to love and bless us, whether we know it, appreciate it or feel it. The qualities of a mother are so beautiful to connect with and to embody, as they radiate out the qualities that make up the very essence of inner beauty such as love, kindness, compassion, purity, selflessness, forgiveness, humility, generosity and much more.

Dear Mother Earth gives herself to us fully everyday despite how we may treat her. She is a beautiful example of an unconditional universal servant and possesses these motherly qualities. She continues to love, nourish us and gives us life and such beauty, yet asks for so little in return. We can learn a lot from Mother Earth and return some of that love by showing our gratitude, our love and appreciation by taking better care of her and service by chanting to help her transform to restore her beauty. 

In this lifetime, as in all our past lifetimes our soul chooses our mothers in Heaven before we are born. Who they want to be connected to, the lessons we may need to learn from and with them, and who will help us grow and transform best on our soul journey. Whoever or whatever mother you have or have had, she has been a blessing for your life. Connecting to them through soul communication is a great tool to further learn why we are connected to certain people in our lives, especially our mothers who are so influential to and for us in different ways. I am grateful to all the love, care, compassion, forgiveness, kindness and nurturing I’ve received from all my mothers in all my lifetimes. I learn this more everyday through the love I receive from them and their advice, and also through my friends and loved ones who are mothers. Thank you for all the mothers around the world and in Heaven, thank you for your service, your love, you have taught me so much.

I offer my greatest love to all of you, happy Mother’s Day for today, yesterday and for everyday.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Beauty of the Soul

When you see the beauty of the soul you see everyone and everything as beautiful.

I received this message early last year about inner beauty which often comes into my awareness and reminds me that all souls are beautiful. You are beautiful, share your beauty with others. 

Monday, 3 February 2014

Forgiving is as easy as loving

Forgiving is as easy as loving.
 Loving comes easy when our heart is open, the feeling of love flows freely back and forth to the soul we are thinking of or in front of, whether it be a partner, a sibling, a child, a pet or a friend. Forgiveness was created in the same way. Forgiveness as Master Sha shares is the mirror of love, if you cannot truly forgive how can you truly love? It is usually those closest to us that we forgive more easily, why is this? It is usually because we love these people the most.  There is no real separation of love and forgiveness, it is often our own mind that limits us, whether it is our ego, our negative mindsets, attitudes, belief or attachments on how things ‘should’ be or how we want people to be or act. When we learn to forgive more easily we allow ourselves to feel greater amounts of love and freedom, the letting go of anger, jealousy, hurt and resentment frees us from more than we can imagine. 

Master Sha’s one sentence secret for forgiveness is that ‘forgiveness brings inner peace and inner joy’, not just to ourselves but it also can bring more harmony to the other person/s, humanity, mother earth and all souls. How can this happen? By creating little harmony in our small universe, there is a little ripple effect in the larger universe, creating more love, peace and harmony. Imagine if everyone forgave more easily, how would the world be, how would your life be? Would it be more freeing to let go of old pain and hurt held on to for weeks, months and even years? I can happily say yes it would for me. Since meeting Master Sha I’ve learnt and experienced the power of forgiveness. It has not always been such an easy choice for me as I have had a strong mind and emotions that liked to take control in the past, but there is a conscious choice whether you want to stay in a space of love and light, or not to.

Forgiveness has the ability to transform our relationships, past and present and future, it has transformed my relationship with my mother and my family bringing greater amounts of love and happiness to both these, and has created better and deeper connections with my friends which I am very thankful for.
                   Master Sha introduced me to a very powerful tool called the ‘Forgiveness practice’ (which you’ll find in most of Master Sha’s books, like ‘Soul Healing Miracles’) which involves asking all the souls that you’ve ever hurt or harmed (and your ancestors) in this lifetime and past lifetimes to forgive you, and then giving forgiveness to all the souls that have ever hurt or harmed you in this lifetime and past lifetimes. To do this is a key to transform your karma, as we all have had good and not so good relationships in not only this lifetime but all the relationships we have had in all of our lifetimes, which could end up being a large amount of souls wanting or asking for our forgiveness.

I’m delighted to share with you how you can do a simple forgiveness practice using the Four Power Techniques taught by Master Sha;

Body Power: Sit up straight in your chair with your feet flat on the ground, and place your hands in the Soul Light Era hand position, (which is left hand horizontally placed over message center  (center of your sternum/chest) but not touching, and your right hand pointing upwards towards heaven) as this is a sacred body position which helps connects our soul to the soul world.

Soul Power: (say out loud or silently) Dear all the souls whom I and my ancestors have ever hurt or harmed in this lifetime and in any lifetime, I love you, honor you and appreciate you. Please forgive me and my ancestors for any hurt or harm and suffering we have caused you in this lifetime and in any lifetimes. We sincerely ask for your forgiveness again. We are so grateful. Thank you.
Then we offer forgiveness....
Dear all the souls that have ever hurt or harmed me and my ancestors in this lifetime and in all lifetimes, we love you. We total and unconditionally forgive you for any mistakes that you have made, you do not owe us anything. Thank you. Please join with me to bring greater forgiveness, love, peace and harmony to us and all souls. Thank you.

Sound Power: Chant the mantra ‘divine forgiveness, divine forgiveness, divine forgiveness, divine forgiveness for 3-5minutes

Mind Power: Close your eyes whilst chanting and visualise a golden ball rotating in your message center (as described above), and all throughout your being, your relationships and any situation you’d like to bring forgiveness and transformation to, picture them being transformed and filled with this golden love.
.....after 3-5minutes we say

‘Hao, Hao, Hao, thank you, thank you, thank you, love you, love you, love you, gong song gong song gong song’.

We say each three times as once to thank and honor the Divine, the second is to the souls and soul world and the third is to our own soul. Hao is Chinese and translates to perfect, healed and gong song also Chinese means respectfully return, to all the souls that we asked to come and join us.

 Watch this video by Master Sha to receive blessings for forgiveness and try doing your forgiveness practice along with Master Sha’s chanting and blessing to receive greater amounts of love and forgiveness.

If you want to know if the practice works, try it at least one to two times a day for 5-10mins the longer the better.  Tell me what you experienced after this practice I’d love to hear from you. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Inner beauty, your true essence

Inner beauty is something that we all desire whether we know it consciously or subconsciously. What is inner beauty about and why would we want it? Inner beauty is where emotions and feelings such as love, compassion, forgiveness, peace, harmony, sincerity, honesty, joy and gratitude come from. To have inner beauty is to be a compassionate soul, someone that others are drawn to and may not always know why. Have you ever met or know people who you describe as a beautiful person because you find them to always be helping or doing kind acts for yourself or others? There have been many beings throughout history to have such big and compassionate hearts and such as Matama Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jesus, Guan Yin and many many others. Why did they leave such an impact throughout history to this day? I believe it to be of those qualities that stem from inner beauty, from the heart. The act of selflessness putting others before yourself is a quality that appears to becoming less frequent in western world today. To help make others happier and healthier, to try and understand the person you are in front of or a loved one needs at that time is a great practice. If your friend is sad or quiet try to perceive what would help at that moment, do they need someone to listen sincerely to them, a hug, a kind word or for you to simply sit and be there with them? Words aren't always necessary or helpful in all situations, which is where just your presence and smile can be of comfort.

Try this out this week, with a situation, or with a friend or loved one, maybe it isn't so obvious to what they need at that moment but take a deep breathe and listen to your inner guidance, connect with their soul and ask what they need or would like (from you) at this time. You can do this with your eyes closed, or open if in front of the person and connect using soul communication;

Dear Soul of ...........(insert their name),
I love you,
please tell me what you need at this time, how can I serve you best in this moment,
I am so grateful,
Thank you.
-then chant for a few minutes, a simple mantra such as love, love love, love, for as little as 30seconds-1minute

if you already have open spiritual channels the message might already have come to you, if not take a few deep breathes and feel the emotion they are feeling at that moment or need, you might see or hear a word, a sentence, or even see a spiritual image. If you'd like know how to develop or open your spiritual channels further my spiritual father and teacher Dr & Master Sha's book 'Soul Communication' is a fantastic resource which teaches you soul language and translation, how to develop your direct soul communication channel, direct knowing channel and how to open your third eye channel (seeing spiritual images).

Let me know how this went for you, later in my blog I will post more practices and information about soul communication and how to apply it to benefit you and transform your life.

love you love you love you,