Saturday, 3 October 2015

The love, benefits and joy of Soul Communication

As I write this there is an overflowing of love and gratitude in my heart, in my soul and whole being. I feel so grateful to be connected to my spiritual teacher Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha, such a high level spiritual being, teacher and humble servant for the Divine, Tao and the Source. I feel so incredibly blessed to be on this spiritual journey and my path back to oneness, with all souls. The journey to soul, heart, mind and body enlightenment. I am writing this after doing my daily soul communication practice. One of the greatest treasures and joys in my life is soul communication. The ability to connect directly and deeply with any soul in the soul world. Whether it be a spiritual mother or father, holy being, or the Divine, Tao, a loved one living or deceased there is the potential and ability to connect with them on the level of the soul. 

To be able to connect directly with the Divine, to God is what many souls on a conscious spiritual journey have been searching for, to receive messages to assist people on their paths, through their challenges, to fill them with hope, with love, with support and joy when they may need it most is something I believe would benefit humanity most greatly at this time. 

The questions about the purpose of life and our lives and how we can further serve our purpose and reach our highest and truest potential is what many people seek throughout their lives unanswered. Soul communication and daily soul communication can assist in unlocking these answers.  

Learning and using daily soul communication has saved my life. It has saved my physical and spiritual journey many times. When the mental pain and challenges have felt like too much, when hopelessness, depression and negative emotions and experiences have been all consuming this has been one of the greatest tools and gifts to keep going. To receive the love, the compassion, the care and messages of support from Heaven, from my Shi Fu's (dedicated spiritual mothers and fathers), from the Divine, my beloved spiritual teacher and more have assisted me through some of my greatest spiritual and physical challenges to date. Using daily soul communication has also assisted me in receiving greater wisdom and guidance on everyday life situations, how to approach certain tasks and issues with greater clarity, respect and reverence. How I may not be serving myself or another in the greatest way and how and what to do to change myself or a situation for the better. And how to be of greater service to all souls. 

Would you like to receive the greatest love, the greatest compassion, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, blessings and more at any time for and throughout your life? For deeper clarity and insight for how you can keep going in times of darkness or great need? My heart is filled with the deepest joy and sincerity to tell you, that just like me you can. You can have and develop the most loving and amazing connections and relationships with any soul in the soul world, to create more love, peace, happiness and joy in your life and in your journey to serve others, humanity, Mother Earth. 

To learn and do daily soul communication is not just a joy but a great honor. Master Sha shares that "Soul communication will guide your physical journey so that you can accomplish your spiritual journey (Soul Communication p6)". Utilise the information and messages you receive wisely and trust in the messages that you receive. The more you practice daily soul communication the greater the accuracy and purity of the messages you will receive. Use this to support your soul's journey, your life and physical journey to create a positive life for yourself and others. To learn how you can do this by following the simple practice I have shared in my previous blog post Messages for daily life

You can also learn more by attending an event or workshop to open your spiritual channels around the world or by webcast, see for events that you can participate in, you can also purchase a copy of Soul Communication by Master Sha, an amazing book which explains and teaches you how to open your soul communication channels. Please also contact me if you have questions. 

I love you all and wish to help you more on your journey's to oneness. Please let me know how I can serve you more deeply at any time through my blog or services. 

I would love to know if you have tried the practice, or how soul communication has served you in your life and journey. 

love and blessings,
